The Spanish subject pronoun for "I".
What is "Yo"?
This verb means "to run".
What is "Correr"?
This Spanish phrase means "in front of".
What is "enfrente de / delante de"?
The Spanish phrase for "the pencil".
What is, "el lápiz"?
The correct phrasing of, "Ella comer mucho".
What is, "Ella come mucho"?
The English subject pronoun for "Ellas".
What is "They [feminine]"?
This phrase means, "She sings".
The English meaning of the phrase, "debajo de la mesa".
What is, "Underneath / Under the table"?
The English translation of the phrase, "la carpeta".
What is, "the folder"?
The full Spanish phrase for the time "8:14PM".
What is, "Son las ocho y catorce de la noche"?
The Spanish subject pronoun for "My friends and I".
The English definition of the word "Preferir".
What is "To prefer"?
The Spanish translation of the sentence, "The books are next to the window".
What is "Los libros están al lado de la ventana"?
The English translation of the words, "pan tostado, manzana, zanahoria".
What is, "toast, apple, carrot"?
The correct phrasing of "Mi gusta los libros".
What is, "Me gustan los libros"?
The English and Spanish subject pronouns for "Eliza, Patricio, and Helen."
What is "They / Ellos"?
This phrase means, "We prefer to eat eggs."
What is "Nosotros preferimos comer huevos."?
The "to be" verb used when speaking about location.
What is, "ESTAR"?
The English translation of the phrase, "horario escolar".
What is, "school schedule"?
The complete Spanish response to the question, "¿A qué hora empieza el día escolar?"
What is, "El día escolar empieza a las ocho y quince/cuarto de la mañana"?
The English definition of the Spanish subject pronoun "Ustedes".
What is "You all"?
The three types of infinitive verb endings in Spanish.
What is, "-AR, -ER, -IR"?
The Spanish translation of the sentence, "My friends and I are in Spanish class".
What is, "Mis amigos y yo estamos en la clase de español"?
The Spanish words for, "desk, chair, eraser".
What is, "escritorio/mesa/pupitre , silla, goma/borrador".
Translate the following to Spanish, "Maria walks to school at 7:30AM. Her favorite class is Chemistry class. Maria eats a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. She runs at 3:05PM."
What is, "Maria camina a la escuela a las siete y media/treinta de la mañana. Su clase favorita es la clase de química. Ella come un sándwich de jamón y queso para almuerzo. Ella corre a las tres y cinco de la tarde."?