Why did people in Europe want to explore the world?
To find new lands and things.
What was the caravel?
A special kind of ship that was faster and could sail longer distances.
What does 'explore' mean?
To travel to new places to learn about them.
How did the Mercator projection assist explorers?
It made it easier to see the world and plan trips on a flat map.
What challenges did explorers face before technological advancements?
Slow ships and difficulty knowing their location.
What did the magnetic compass do for sailors?
It helped them know which direction they were going.
What does "projection" mean in mapmaking?
A way to show something on a flat surface, like a map.
Name two tools that helped explorers travel farther and faster.
The caravel and the magnetic compass.
Name a reason why exploration was significant to European cultures.
It helped them learn about new lands and cultures.
How did the astrolabe help explorers?
It helped them find out their position on Earth relative to the equator.
What is meant by "cultures"?
The way people live, their traditions, and beliefs.
What was the overall impact of new inventions on exploration?
They enabled explorers to discover new places and learn about different cultures.