If your client is crying, is it okay to hug them or put your arm around them to comfort them?
1.10 Physical Contact
Social workers should not engage in physical contact with clients when there is a possibility of psychological harm to the client as a result of the contact (such as cradling or caressing clients).
How often does phq9 and gad7 need completed?
Every 30 days with depression and anxiety diagnosis.
Who handles a crisis at the school?
If there is a therapist who was informed, the therapist needs to bill crisis.
Who do you contact if there is an Hr issue?
What year was rfs founded?
If you know a client who is in TACKLE, what steps needs to be completed?
Let EHR/Ashley know to be able to block that client chart to contain any potential of HIPAA breaches.
What is the discharge protocol if you can't get ahold of a client?
1) check with the secretary
2) 3 phone calls
3) 1 home visit
4) 10 day letter
If a client tells you about past self-harm 2 weeks ago, no current scars or plans on cutting themselves again, does a CSSRS screener still need to be completed?
Yes, It needs to be completed every time to assess for safety.
When should the first contact be made for referrals?
24 hours
Where was the first tackle service provided?
Waited high school
What is our goal as social workers?
Supporting them to change, help clients achieve their treatment plan goals, Not to be dependent on us.
What score does a phq9 have to be to contact a therapist or supervisor?
What time frame do crisis notes need to be completed?
By the end of the day.
When do schedules need to be completed?
Before you leave, at the end of the workday.
How many schools are we in?
55 schools
What do you do if you suspect someone is committing fraudulent activity or ethical issues?
Fill out an anonymous waste fraud and abuse form in SharePoint.
How many minutes can you bill tbs and therapy services?
Tbs- 8 min or more
Therapy- 16 min or more
Who do you call when there is a crisis?
Who is the primary contact when your PM and your supervisor is off of work?
Abby Sarabia and Erin Carroll
You will receive an email of who to contact and their contact information.
Name 3 core values.
Egoless approach, sel, trust, teamwork, client focused, employee centered, critical conversation, transparency, innovation, passion
What is the role of informed consent in social work practice?
To ensure clients are aware of and agree to the services being provided
What is the protocol for inclement weather?
If it is one day you have 1 week to make up the time if you choose to flex. 2 days would be 2 weeks.
Level 3 agency closes
What are the first 2 questions on the crisis screener?
Have you wished you were dead or wished you could go to sleep and not wake up?
Have you had actually thought about killing yourself?
What is the name of the new Compliance officer?
Sherri Walker
What does tackle stand for?
Teach, aspire, critical, knowledge, learning, empowerment