
In Yeshua’s story of a man who was robbed and left for dead on the side of the road, this passer by was a good neighbor to the victim.

Who was the Samaritan, who had mercy on him? (Luke 10:30-37)


Reuben was the eldest son of this biblical patriarch.

Who is Jacob (or Israel)? - Exodus 6:14


God created the heavens and the earth in six days and rested on this day, making it holy.

What is the seventh day? (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) - Gen 2:2-3, Exodus 20:8-11


The Creator has appointed this many feasts (chaggim).

What is three feasts? - Unleavened Bread, Weeks, Tabernacles (Exo 23:14-17)


The length of time it took for God to create the whole world and everything in it.

What is 6 days? (Exo 31:17)


In Yeshua’s story about the son that returned home after sinning and wasting his inheritance, his father reacted this way when his son repented and returned to him.

What was a glad reaction and celebration as he received him back home as his son? (Luke 15:11-32)


Reuben had this many sons.

[2, 4, 6, or 12]

What is 4? (Gen 46:9)


The Israelites were told to gather twice as much manna on this day because they were not to work on the Sabbath.

What is the sixth day? (Exodus 16:5)


This feast celebrates the harvest of the first fruits of the wheat, the giving of the Torah (God’s instructions), and the giving of His Spirit.

What is the Feast of Weeks (or Chag Shavuot or Pentecost)? - Leviticus 23:15-16


On the fourth day of creation, God made these to give light to the earth and to separate day from night.

What are the Sun, Moon, and stars? (Gen 1:14-19)


In Yeshua’s parable of the sower, this happens to the people whose hearts are like good soil: They hear the word, understand it, and bring forth this thing.

What is fruit (or obeying God’s commandments)? Luke 13:23


Reuben tried to save this brother from being killed by their other brothers.

Who is Joseph? (Gen 37:21-22)


This number commandment says, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.”

What is the Fourth Commandment? (Exodus 20:8)


This feast begins with the a meal of lamb, matzah, and bitter herbs and commemorates the Exodus from Egypt and the sacrifice of the spotless lamb, Messiah.

What is the Feast of Unleavened Bread (or Chag Matsot)? - Exodus 12:17


God created land creatures including bugs on this day.

What is the sixth day of creation? (Gen 1:24-26)


In Yeshua’s parable of the shepherd who lost 1 sheep out of his flock of 100, he did this to find the lost sheep.

What is leaving the 99 to find the 1 and celebrating if he finds it? (Matt 18:11-14)


Reuben’s tribe settled on this side of the Jordan River.

[north, south, east, or west]

What is the east side? (Num 32:1-5)


Yeshua did this to a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath, showing that it is lawful to do good on the sabbath.

What is healing a man on the sabbath?  (Matt 12:10-12)


This feast is held in the seventh month, marking the end of the harvest season, and is a time of rejoicing to think about dwelling with the Creator for all eternity.

What is the Feast of Tabernacles (or Chag Sukkot or the Feast of the Harvest or the Feast of Booths)? - Leviticus 23:34-42


God made whales on this day.

What is the fifth day of creation? (Gen 1:21)


In Yeshua’s parable of the talents (money), the man who was given 2 and gained 2 was made a ruler. The man who was given 5 and gained 5 was made a ruler. The man who was given 1 and gained 0 was called wicked and cast into outer darkness. Of those men, this one got the evil guy’s 1 talent (money).

Who is the man who had 10 talents (money)? - Matt 25:14-30


Reuben tried to save Joseph from being harmed by his brothers by suggesting they throw him into this.

What is a pit? (Gen 37:22)


This prophet rebuked Israel for not keeping the Sabbath and warned them of judgment for desecrating it before the Babylonian captivity.

Who is Jeremiah? (Jeremiah 17:27)


These are the extra sabbaths of the three feasts AND the appointed times in order from first to last in the year, totaling seven besides the weekly sabbath.

The first day of Unleavened Bread, the seventh day of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, the first day of the seventh month (Trumpets), the tenth day of the seventh month (Atonement), the first day of Tabernacles, the eighth day after Tabernacles begins.

First Month - 15, 21

Third Month - Feast of Weeks 

Seventh Month - 1, 10, 15, 22

(Lev 23)


Thinking God made tomatoes and tuna on the same day is fact or fiction.

What is fiction? Plants were the 3rd day, sea creatures the 5th. (Gen 1:11-12, 20:21)
