What was Sterlings favorite toy when we adopted him?
What is: Giant Cookie Monster Toy
What was Kennedy’s ‘famous line’ during her first musical?
What is: “WE’LL STARVE”
Please give us the Caption of this instagram post…
What is: That’s my hoochie mama
How many days before Halloween, did Mom and Dad get married?
What is: 9
What was the theme of Kennedy’s 9th Birthday?
What is: Skateboarding
Who truly made us adopt Sterling?
Who is: Avery (she cried)
What broadway show did Mom see on broadway?
What is: Cats
What did Kennedy say while talking this picture?
What is: Wearing my Georgia G
Is Kennedy’s famous candy cane singing video, what lyric did Kennedy keep repeating?
What is: And if you ever saw it!
What did mom receive for her 4th birthday?
What is: A Care Bear (cheer bear)
How long have we had Sterling for?
What is: 7 years!
Who has done more shows.. Avery or Kennedy?
Who is: Kennedy
Give Context to THIS photo:
What is: 1st grade ended up in the newspaper and artwork got hung up in the Factory
What did Avery dress up as in Halloween of 2015?
Who is: Pippylongstolkings
Where did we celebrate Averys 12th Birthday?
What is: St. Louis
Every year on Halloween what do we threaten to dress Sterling up as?
What is: A skunk
What was mom in her church’s version of “The Nativity Scene”
Who is: An Angel
What did Avery say in this video?
What is: Happy Birthday Kendall!
What gift did Avery and I receive in Christmas 2017?
What is: Electric Scooters
What is: Beer Can coasters
What song is Dad singing in this video where he gets covered halfway through the video by Lola and Sterling?
What is: April Come She will
What was Averys exact role in footloose
Who is: Eleanor Dunbar
What book is Kennedy ‘fake reading’ in this picture?
What is: Freckle Face Strawberry
Where are we in this picture and what are we celebrating?
What is: 5th & Taylor… Mothers day
4 days before Dads birthday, in 2017, he went to this concert.
What is: The Jesus Lizards