Which Prophet is known for his vision of the tree of life?
Who is the angel that directed Joseph Smith to the Golden plates?
What city did Lehi and his family flee from originally?
What tree did Lehi see in a vision?
Tree of life
Who was Alma the younger's Father?
Who was the first Prophet to write in the Book of Mormon.
What was King Mosiah the first's son and grandson's names?
King Benjamin
King Mosiah
What is the name of the hill where the gold plates were buried?
The hill Cumorah
What are the small plates of Nephi primarily concerned with?
Spiritual ministerings of the Prophets and their people.
What is the name of the servant of Laban that gives an oath to follow Nephi?
Who translated the gold plates by the gift and power of God?
Joseph Smith
How do we know that Nephi wasn't anxious to kill Laban?
The spirit had to tell him three times that he should.
What two ancient American civilizations are prominently featured in the Book of Mormon?
The Nephites and the Lamanites
Which section of the Book of Mormon is Enos contained in?
The small plates
When Lehi and his family traveled on a ship to the promised land, Laman and Lemuel tied Nephi to a mast. Why did they let him go?
A storm came and they were afraid they would die if the did not let him free.
Who wrote the title of liberty?
Captain Moroni
What was Lehi's youngest son's name?
What are some examples of evil qualities that Moroni foretells will destroy the righteous? (name one)
prideful hearts, desire of worldly objects, teaching against the church, neglect the sick and needy, and secret combinations
What is the name of the final battle between the Nephites and Lamanites?
The battle at Cumorah
Who was the father of the four sons , Ammon, Aaron, Omni and Himni that went to teach the Lamanites?
King Mosiah
What was the name of the King who was converted by the son of Mosiah, Ammon?
King Lamoni
What was the land called that the Jaredites lived in before their destruction?
The Land of Desolation.
What is the name of the father of the family that went with Lehi's family to the promised land?
What was the. name of the last Jaredite to survive that met up with the people of Zarahemla?
What. did the Lord tell Lehi was going to happen to Jerusalem , encouraging him to leave.
It was going to be destroyed.
How many witnesses are there that give their testimonies at the beginning of the Book of Mormon?
What is being described when we say another testament of Jesus Christ?
The Book of Mormon
What book in the book of Mormon connects the small plates with the large plates?
Words of Mormon
What is the promise in Moroni 10:3-5?
If we ask him if these things are true with a sincere heart and real intent he will reveal the truth of all things.
Who is the Book of Mormon written for?
the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel and also the Jew and Gentile