The last prophet to write in the book of mormon
Our first covenant with God
Joseph Smith's age at the time he received his first vision.
14 (or 15)
The minimum number of obsidian blocks required to build a functional nether portal
Lehi's 5th son
Mormon describes this as "the pure love of Christ"
One of the three witness of the gold plates who financed the printing of the book of mormon.
Martin Harris
The year the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was officially established.
Name any one of "The sons of Mosiah"
Ammon, Omner, Himner, Aaron
It worked according to the faith of Lehi's family in leading them to the promised land.
The Liahona
The location of the first temple built in this dispensation.
Kirtland, Ohio
The prophet before Thomas S Monson?
Gordon B Hinkley
Supposedly the Brother of Jared's real name.
Mohonri Moriancumr
This ancient evil practice led to the destruction of both the Jaredites and Nephite civilizations.
Secret Combinations
Moroni led Joseph to this place to retrieve the gold plates
The Hill Cumorah
The holy stand built by the wicked Zoramite church to flex on poor people.
The Rameumptom
The wicked robber who murdered the chief judge, Pahoran.
Also known as our conscience, the inherent sense of right and wrong found in all of God's children.
The Light of Christ
Scripture revealed through the prophet Joseph Smith containing the words of Enoch, Abraham, and Moses.
The Pearl of Great Price
The number of pages in the book of mormon. (Or closest guess)