How many books are there in the bible?
Who is Isaac's wife and kids?
Rebekah, Esau and Jacob
Why did the Egyptians hate the people of Israel?
Israelites spread over the whole land, and became wealthy and strong.
What was the bread from heaven called?
Where did God give the 10 commandments?
Mount Sinai
What is the collection of the first 5 books of the bible called?
What does the word 'Bethel' mean?
the house of God
Who was Moses's helper?
How did God punish the Israelites when they forgot the numerous blessings He had given them?
Poisonous serpents
How long did Moses stay on Mount Sinai?
40 days and 40 nights
What does the name Abraham mean?
'the father of a great people'
Who rescued Joseph from the pit and sold him to Egypt?
A group of traders
Where and what vision did Moses have when God spoke to him?
Mount Horeb, a bush was on fire.
What did God ask Moses to do when the Israelites had no water to drink?
Strike the rock of Horeb with his staff - a spring sprouted
What is the new Commandment that Jesus gave us?
Love one another as I have loved you.
How did God test Abraham?
Sacrifice Isaac by offering him up as a burnt offering
What was the interpretation of Pharaoh's dream?
7 years of great plenty and 7 years of famine.
What was the significance of placing blood on doorposts during passover?
Signifies that it's the home of an Israelite, will pass over those houses and will not be affected by the plague.
How did God guide the Israelites day and night after they left the land of Egypt?
A pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night
"You speak to us, and we will listen; but do not let God speak to us, or we will die" who said to whom?
Israelites to Moses
What were 2 of the 3 promises God gave Abraham through the covenant?
1. Abraham shall be the father of many nations
2. Abraham and his descendants shall have a special relationship with God
3. Abraham and his descendants shall inherit the whole land of Canaan
The people of God in the Old Testament were lead by the heads of the 12 tribes. What about the New Testament?
12 apostles and successors.
What are 2 of the 3 signs God gave to make Moses feel powerful?
1. Throw staff on floor, turns into snake. Catch the snake by the tail, turns back into a staff
2. Put hand to chest, when he stretched it out skin turned white like it was affected by leprosy, then turned back to normal when returned to chest
3. Water from Nile turns to blood when poured onto dry ground
What did Moses do in the tent?
Talk to God face to face
What is the promise that God gave to those who keep the covenant?
If you obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession out of all the peoples.