This procedure is to be performed before operating a forklift
An Inspection
A person working at this height shall be protected from a fall to a lower level
You can look in this direction if the load you are carrying blocks your view
This item is to be worn by anyone working from a height
Full Body Harness
These 3 fluids are to be checked prior to each shift
Oil, Coolant, Hydraulic Fluid
This item ensures the person falling stops their fall within 2'
Self-Retracting Lifeline or YoYo
This imaginary space ensures the forklift is stable
Stability Triangle
The position of the tie off point should be located where
Above the persons head who is attached
This person always has the right of way when traveling throughout Pipenology
Neither pedestrian or Driver
This procedure is to be performed on all equipment prior to working from a height
An inspection