How do we say「お正月」in English?
"New Year"
circle / square
What do people usually go to during the New Year? お正月にはどこに行くの?
They go to shrines or temples?
What do you call the postcards that are similar to American Christmas cards in Japan?アメリカのクリスマスカードに似たはがきを日本では何という?
When did お正月 started in Japan? 1. Around Shotoku Taishi 2. Around Murasaki Shikibu 3.Around Oda Nobunaga 4. Around Shibusawa Eiichi
1. Around Shotoku Taishi (飛鳥時代)
What comes down from the sky when Cambodia celebrates the New Year? 1.Goddess 2.UFO 3.Demon king
Which fish is the best for New year's meal ? 1. Tuna 2. Salmon 3. Sea bream 4. Whale
3. sea bream
What are the lucky dreams to have during the New Year besides those about hawks and Mt. Fuji?お正月に見ると縁起が良いのは鷹と富士山と何?Write in English. hint:PD.p.14
Where are ornaments hung? 装飾品はどこに吊るされていますか。
homes and entrances.
What country did 「カルタ」come from? Write in English by P.D p2. hint: It's not English. It came in Edo period.
アメリカやイギリスなど多くの国々では、1月1日に、どんなことをして過ごしていますか。1.特別な食事食べる 2.何もしない 3.教会に行く 4.働く
年越しそばは何を象徴していますか。What does toshikoshi soba symbolize?
Toshikoshi soba is eaten to pray for long life and good fortune.
What color does Chinese use for new year's decoration?Write 2colors in English.
Red and Gold.
アメリカのお正月。タイムズスクエアで行われるイベントはどれ?1.ビルの間を綱渡り 2.ボールを高いところから落とす 3.タイムズスクエアを登る
When is the original お正月 celebrated in China? 1.January 1st. 2.January 25th ~Febrary 6 3.February 3~February 25 4.February 20~March 10
It's January 25th.
What is the name of the god who comes on New Year's Day? 1.寿神様 2.年神様 3.福神様
What foods can be eaten on New Year's Day to pray for academic success?
New Year's Eve in Spain: What do you eat every three seconds? PD.p.14
They eat 12 grapes
British New Year. What classical music is famous for new year? 1.威風堂々 2.ロンドン橋落ちた 3.春の海 4.蛍の光
For New Year's Eve Bell,How many times do People visit the temple and ring the bell ? Hint: PD. p.9
×。They ring the bell 108 times.
What do the people in Italy wear for New Year's? 1. White shoes 2. Red underpants 3. Green hat
Red underpants.
In South Africa, What do they eat for New Year's meal?Write in English. Hint PD.p.14,15
Meat (beef, sausage, pork, chicken, bacon, ham)
What should you not do on New Year's Day? 2.writing diary 3. studying
1. cleaning
Danish New Year. What do they do with the plates?デンマークのお正月。人々はお皿をどうする?1.家族みんなで磨く 2.地域の人たちと火で焼く 3.友達の家の壁に投げつける 4.ごちそうを山盛りに乗せて一人で食べきる