מי או על מה נאמר

וגללו - ג'

And they would roll


Why were the shepherds lying around when Yaakov comes?

They were waiting for everyone to come so they can roll the stone off and all help give their animals to drink


who said to who:

היום גדול לא עת האסף המקנה

Yaakov to the shepherds


Why does it say וישא יעקב רגליו? What would it have made more sense to say?

It should have said and yaakov went or something along those lines.

It uses this לשון because it wants to let us know that Yaakov was so excited, after hearing Hashems promise and assurance, the whole journey became easy and his heart felt lighter


Why did Yaakov say ברחל בתך הקטנה

To try to avoid Lavan tricking him.

He is asking for Rochel, his daughter and specifically the younger one


הידעתם - ה'

Do you know?

Why didn't Lavan say Rochels name when he told Yaakov he will give her to him. 

What are the words of the Passuk?

Because he had his plan all along, so he is speaking in a vague way.

טוב תתי אתה לך מתתי אתה לאיש אחר


בני קדם

Children of the East, referring to Avrahams family. They came from the east of Eretz Yisroel


Why is Levi called by his name?

Because she was a נביאה and knew there will be 12 sons. Now that she had three she had her share in the children just as much as any other wife, so Yaakov will be more attached - ילוה to her


What does it mean that Leah was hated

She was not, and was not made to feel that way either.

Hashem noticed Yaakov loved Rochel more so only He knew she was less loved


ויחבק - י"ג

And he hugged


Why does is say that Lavan gathered the townspeople? Why not say and they all came?

What does this show about the people of Charan?

Lavan gathered everyone to let them in on his plan since it would be good for them if Yaakov stayed longer since he was bringing up the economy. 

They did not warn Yaakov and this shows that they are also tricksters and mean people!


ותרץ ותגד לאביה



Explain why Lavan ran to Yaakov, then hugged and kissed him

He ran becuase he knew Eliezer brought Rivkah gold and silver and jewelry so he thought Yaakov had.

When he saw he didn't he thought maybe gold coins were in his chest, and after that pearls in his mouth.


Give me at least 3 explanations of the word רכות.

1. Beautiful to Targum

2. soft and good - if a kallahs are are beautiful she is. Thats how we know Leah was beautiful

3. soft and tender from crying because she thought she would marry עשו

4. Delicate because she was sensitive to the sun


מה משכרתך - ט"ו

What is your wage? 

Read and translate possuk chof zayin. Explain the seemingly incorrect uses of male/female
Complete the week for this one - meaning Leah. And we will give to you also this one - Rochel, for the work that you will work with me, again, another seven years (נקבה because שנים is a נקבה word)

הכי אחי עתה ועבדתני חנם

Lavan is saying this referring to Yaakov


Why does Lavan say אך עצמי ובשרי אתה?

Lavan was cruel and trying to show he was not. He is saying even though you did not bring me anything I will let you stay because you are related, but he still charged Yaakov nonetheless.


Whats the difference between באה in possuk vov and באה  in possuk tes

In possuk vov the emhpasis is on the א and it is translated as she is arriving

In possuk tes the emphasis is on the ב and it is translated as she arrived


הצעירה - כ"ו

The younger one


Find the words of the Passuk that tell us who each of Leah's 4 kids are named after.

ראובן = כי ראה ה' בעניי 

שמעון = כי שמע ה' כי שנואה אנכי

לוי = הפעם ילוה אישי 

יהודה = הפעם אודה את ה'


קרא שמו לוי



Why did Yaakov only realize it was Leah in the morning?

Because at night she had the signs that Rochel passed over to her


Where does the names Rochel and Leah come from?

לאה = מלאה - full, she was full of knowledge and wisdom

רחל = רוח קל - she was full of נבואה
