What literary device does the following quote use:
“Noor said her eyes were like gemstones.” (Hosseini 93)
What type of store does Rasheed have?
Rasheed has a shoe store.
What is the name of the author?
Khaled Hosseini
Who is the main character?
Miriam and Laila
What literary device does the following quote use:
“Treacherous daughters did not deserve to be mothers and this was just punishment.” (Hosseini 93)
Why did Tariq have difficulty getting work?
Because he only has one leg.
Is the author the same as the summer read The Kite Runner?
Describe some ways in which the Taliban soldiers destroy Kabul
Destroyed all art/literature
Destroyed all pre-Islamic statuses
What does Rasheed make Miriam wear when they move in together?
a burqa
What literary device does the following quote use:
“That summer, Titanic fever gripped Kabul.” (Hosseini)
What is the last image Laila has of Miriam?
Miriam waving goodbye to her.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Nana tells Mariam, “Like a compass a needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a women. Always. You remember that Miriam.” What does this mean?
A man will always blame a women for his mistakes.
What literary device does the following quote use:
“But she didn’t. She didn’t dare. She didnt dare move a muscle. She didn’t dare breathe, or blink even.” (Hosseini 327)
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Explain why Laila is in the bathroom with a bicycle spoke
Laila is pregnant with Rasheed’s baby.
She doesn’t want to have it so she was trying to give herself an abortion.
She decides not to go through with it because it’s not the babies fault.
What literary device does the following quote use:
“Mammy’s heart was like a pallid beach where Laila’s footprints would forever wash away beneath the waves of sorrow that swelled and crashed, swelled and crashed.” (Hosseini)
How does Laila finally win over Mariam?
By protecting her against Rasheed tryin to beat her because no one else has ever cared about her like that before.