What is the name of the narrator?
Ponyboy Curtis
What kind of a boy is Johnny?
Shy and frightened, but determined not to be beat up again.
What is Ponyboy like?
Intelligent, sensitive.
What are the two social groups who are always fighting each other?
The Greasers and the Socs
What are his parents like?
The father is an alcoholic who beats Johnny. The mother yells at him and then ignores him.
Who does Ponyboy discuss sunsets with?
Cherry Valance
What kind of car do the Socs drive?
A blue mustang.
Johnny wouldn't know what love is if it weren't for . . .
. . . his friends; the gang.
Name all three Curtis brothers.
Ponyboy, Sodapop and Darry.
What does Johnny look like?
He is short with black hair and dark eyes.
What happened to the Curtis boys' parents?
They were killed in a car accident.
Johnny is called the gang's 'pet'. What does this mean.
Johnny is special to everyone in the gang. They know they are the only people who really care about him.