Walk quietly
Do I need to wear my coat outside in the winter time?
Name 1 arrival routine.
Unpack, hang up coat and backpack
Check in with teacher
Put folder away
Pick up snack bag
Fill water bottle
Get tool box, check if pencil is sharpen
Start morning activity - complete desk work, fast facts, read, color, draw
Walking feet
Walking in the classroom follow this expectation.
Raise my hand
Do I need to wear boots outside when there is snow on the ground?
You should, if not you stay under the pavilion.
What do I do when the doorbell rings?
Stop conversation and turn to look at the speaker.
When I am done with work, where does it go?
Yellow tray
Taking care of my materials, follows this expectation?
When it is independent work time, what is my job?
When playing tag, how should we tag someone?
Name 1 lining up routine.
Hands to self
Quiet to no voice
Your spot in line doesn’t matter - whether you are first, sixth or the end, we are all going to the same place
How do we sit on the rug?
Hands to self, bodies in control
Speaking kindly to others follows this expectation.
Respect or Working Together
When I am done with work, name 1 activity I can do?
Read or practice math facts
True or false- It is ok to not let other kids play with you?
Name 1 snack routine.
Eat your snack
Clean up your own mess
Sit while eating
Talk with friends near you
Use an indoor voice
Raising your hand ro speak follows this expectation?
Mrs. Fisk and Miss Murray (adult)
When recess is over how to do line up?
Quietly in number order
Name 1 independent work routine.
Focus on completing your own work
Do your best work
Completed work goes in yellow tray
What do we do with our supplies when we are done using them?
Put them away neatly.