Officially 40 years old
How old is BNI?
When your business needs traction ....Get into action
What is Buddy's tagline
Ace Alliance
What was LBA's original name
LBA is driving a future where businesses unite as a force for positive change, impacting society through collective achievements and shared values.
Whats the Vision Statement
It's essential for success in business and networking. BNI members are encouraged to approach every situation with optimism and a can-do attitude
Positive attitude
To find consistent, high-quality referrals to grow business just by word of mouth
Why is BNI used
When you warrant something…You guarantee it will work!
1. Find a Sponsor
2. Complete an online application
3. Pay your membership dues
What are the 4 steps to becoming a member
With our legacy of tenure and a strong spirit of unity, we’re committed to the growth and success of every LBA member through dedicated mentorship and unwavering collaboration.
Whats the Mission Statement
The organization seeks to improve and adapt to new methods and technologies while maintaining core principles that have led to its success
Traditions and Innovations
Father of Modern Networking
Who is Ivan Misner?
Helping you manifest…Your highest health potential!
What is Pablo's Tagline
11,562 word wide
How many chapter are there
LBA is driving a future where businesses unite as a force for positive change
Whats the first half of the Vision statement
This means taking responsibility for one's actions and commitments, ensuring follow-through and trust.
In California
Where did BNI start/first chapter location
Compassionate representation . . . When you need it most!
Friday by 5PM
When do Featured Presenters submit their powerpoint
With our legacy of tenure and a strong spirit of unity, we’re committed to the growth and success of every LBA member
This is a key part of BNI. The organization values and celebrates the achievements of its members
28 years old
How old was Ivan Misner when he founded BNI
Where you do what you do best…And we do the rest!
What is Trudi's tagline
Success in BNI means you need to be a positive and supportive member of an organization based upon mutual support.
What is the BNI philosophy?
impacting society through collective achievements and shared values.
Whats the second half of the Vision Statement
A farmer plants seeds, nurtures them over time, and patiently waits for them to grow into something valuable.
Givers Gain