The meaning of the root "ambi"
What is both?
The meaning of the root "aqua"
What is water?
The meaning of the root "aud"
What is hear?
The meaning of the root "bene"
What is good?
The meaning of the root "cent"
What is one hundred?
The meaning of the root "circum"
What is around?
The meaning of the root "contra/counter"
What is against?
The meaning of the root "dict"
What is to say?
The meaning of the root "duc/duct"
What is to lead?
The meaning of the root "fac"
What is to do / to make?
One example word with the root "ambi"
What is ambidextrous or ambiguous?
One example word with the root "aqua"
What is aquarium or aquamarine?
One example word with the root "aud"
One example word with the root "bene"
What is benefactor, benevolent, or benefit?
One example word with the root "cent"
What is percent or century?
One example word with the root "circum"
What is circumference or circumstance?
One example word with the root "contra/counter"
What is contradict or encounter?
One example word with the root "dict"
What is dictation or dictator?
One example word with the root "duc/duct"
What is conduct or induce?
One example word with the root "fac"
What is factory or manufacture?
Write a sentence using a word with the root word "ambi"
What is .........
Write a sentence using a word with the root "aqua"
What is ......
Write a sentence using a word with the root "cent"
What is .......?
Write a sentence using a word with the root "fac"
What is ......?
Write a sentence using a word with the root "aud"
What is ....?