What do I have to keep in mind for my audit?
The requirements to be fulfilled depend on the scope of the company to be certified.
The ISCC audit procedures are scope-specific and provide all relevant requirements.
The audit procedures are based on the ISCC Systems Documents.
Further documents, such as checklists, are provided in the client section of the ISCC website.
It is strongly recommended to plan the audit in time.
What are the benefits of a membership in the ISCC Association and how does my organization or myself become a member?
Privileged access to information
Advisory services regarding sustainability, chain of custody and GHG
Possibility to participate in the ISCC General Assembly and Regional Stakeholder Committees
Influence on ISCC strategy and future developments
Which certification is right for me?
Where do I find information on how long how long do I have to store my records?
Please have a look at page 12 of the ISCC System Document 203 – Traceability and Chain of Custody.
The requirements described in this document apply to all elements of the supply chain of sustainable materials that have to be covered by certification (farms or plantations, point of origins of wastes and residues, first gathering points, central offices, collecting points for waste and residues, processing units, and traders and storage facilities).
How does the classification of feedstocks as waste/residue or co-product affect the scope of GHG footprint calculations?
The upstream classification of feedstocks as waste/residue or co-product determines the scope of the GHG footprint. For wastes/residues the calculation of GHG emissions starts with the transport from the Point of Origin (PoO) where the waste is generated to the Collecting Point (CP) . For Co-Products calculation of GHG emissions the entire supply chain needs to be included in the GHG calculation, i.e. for a bio-based product emissions from cultivation and potential land use change must be included.
How many certificates do I need?
Certificates are site specific, which means that per legal entity and per location one certificate is necessary. This means that one legal entity can have several registrations and certificates – one for each certified operational site. Under this certificate several inputs / outputs, raw material categories and market activities (processing, storing, etc.) can be covered.
Adding additional scopes to an existing certificate
A certificate can cover more than one scope (i.e. the type of certified operation). The Certification Body can adjust the scope of a certificate during the validity period of a certificate. The adjusted certificate has to be uploaded in the ISCC HUB with the completed audit procedures covering the adjusted scope and any other relevant documents confirming the compliance of the System User with the respective requirements.
Is there a GHG Calculator accepted by ISCC?
Currently ISCC does not offer templates for the GHG calculations and ISCC is not in the position to officially “recognize” GHG calculators. However, we intend to publish an overview template as a helpful guidance soon.
Can I get certified under several ISCC systems?
It is possible for you to get certified under multiple ISCC systems. These include ISCC EU, ISCC PLUS, ISCC CORSIA; ISCC Solid Biomass NL and ISCC Non-GMO. There are no limits on the combination – you are free to choose what suits your needs best. For ISCC EU and PLUS combined audits are already possible. Furthermore, if you add an additional certification scheme to the same operational unit, you do not need to apply for a new registration number. It is sufficient to change it in the ISCC HUB to extend your current registration.
Can I add a warehouse, input material or product to my certification during the certification period?
Yes, this is possible. Please communicate this to your certification body who will then decide if an extension audit is necessary or not. The updated documents will be uploaded in the ISCC HUB and published on the website.
When dealing with multiple batches of the same material with different sustainability characteristics, how should these batches be accounted for?
Aggregation Rule: GHG values from different input batches can only be aggregated if:
Alternative Options: If GHG values differ:
How much has my Co. paid for an ISCC Certificate?
It’s a hefty amount… absolutely huge! Trust me!!