Grab some shade in one of these turreted garden houses that as the name suggests is good for a nice view
a gazebo
It should come as no surprise that this is Georgia's state fruit
This mammal's name is from the Greek for "nose-horn"
The sovereigns seat
a throne
Athos, Porthos, and Aramise
Three Musketeers
Eugene Field's poem "The Duel" featured the Calico cat and this dog
a Gingham dog
In early April, Augusta plays host to this
The Masters
The San Diego Zoo welcomed its first pair of these from Australia, Snugglepot and Cuddlepie, in 1925
These gourds are popular in October
Its when you get your peanuts for all of your hard work
This type of full-rigged sailing ship popular in the 16th and 17th centuries might have one or two tiers for guns
a galleon
In 1864 Sherman's march to the sea ended with the capture of this port city, Georgia's colonial capital
Pan troglodytes is the scientific name for this close relative of humans and bonobos
a chimp
a scholarship
An article called the Chicago Bears of 1938 this kind of team since they set " a season record of 56 fumbles"
This is the mascot for the University of South Carolina
the Gamecocks
The subject of a 2019 film, he was eventually commended by the Governor for saving lives in the 1996 Olympic bombing
Like its relative, the meerkat, the banded type of this snake killer bands together to make a stand
a mongoose
Past participle of seek
This puuurrrfeect club of Whig leaders in London sounds just like a chocolate wafer bar
Latin for "sword" gives us the name for this flower
In 1998 a National Prisoner of War museum was dedicated at this site of a notorious military Civil War prison
According to Brittanica, though called "naked" these rodents actually have about 100 fine hairs on their skin
a mole rat
Geometry term for triangles that can be exactly superimposed, one on the other
NASA called the activity in this type of galaxy reminiscent of the end of a pyrotechnics show