what is the rank in the second column?
Cadet master sergeant
how many rockets and chevrons does a Sergeant Major ?
3 chevrons and 3 rockets
What roles make up the service learning team?
Facilitator, Recorder, Reporter, Timekeeper, Debriefer
Second verse of the creed is?
I am loyal and patriotic, I am the future of the united states of America.
what Rank has 3 lines 3 mosquito wing with a diamond in the middle?
Cadet First Sergeant
what the symbol of military uniform ?
its a public symbol of the nations defense forces .
What does the 50 stars mean on the American flag?
The 50 states of the U.S
Last verse of the creed is?
May god grant me the strength to always live by this creed.
what Rank has 3 lines 3 mosquito wing with a Star in the middle?
Cadet sergeant major
What do the 13 stripes on the American flag represent?
The 13 original colonies.
The first verse of the creed is?
I am an Army junior ROTC CADET, i will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school, and the corps of cadets.
Name the three branches of government in the United States?
Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.
What is the sixth verse in the creed?
I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the constitution and the American way of life.
What is the second essential step in determining a service learning project?
Determine a school, community, or national need you can fill relating to class curriculum.
The third verse of the creed is?
I do not lie, Cheat or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds.