Body Hygiene
Oral Hygiene
Personal Space
Myth or Fact

How often should you take a shower or bath?

A. Once per week

B. Every other day

C. After sweating a lot

D. Both B and C

D. You can get by with every other day right now unless you are doing after school activities that make you sweat a lot.


How many days can you wear socks before washing them?

1 day


How many times should you brush each day?

2 times


Name 2 things you can do daily to make sure your personal spaces are clean and organized.

Make bed

Put away clean clothes

Put dirty clothes into a hamper or basket

Take out any trash

Only girls need to brush or comb their hair, boys with short hair or a buzz cut do not need to.


Boys need to stimulate their scalp too so they don't get crustiness on it.


When taking a bath or shower getting your hair wet and not using shampoo will help keep it clean without stripping it of it's natural oils.  True or False

False: You don't have to worry about stripping your hair of it's natural oil, too much buildup can clog pores and make your hair greasy and stink.


How many days can you wear underwear before washing them?

1 day


How long should you brush your teeth for?

2 minutes

Keeping your desk and locker organised can actually help you do better in school. True or False


You can't smell your own bad breath or body odor.

Fact, usually people become nose blind to their own smells


If you were sweating a lot, making sure you rinse the sweat off is enough to make sure you don't get body odor. True or False

False:  You need to make sure to use soap especially in the cracks and crevices to kill the bacteria on your skin because bacter + sweat = body odor.


How many days in a row can you wear your favorite hoodie without washing it?

A. As long as it doesn't stink you can wear it forever

B. As long as there isn't any stains or spills on it forever

C. No more than 1 week

C. Even if you don't smell anything chances are others do.

How often should you floss?

A. Once a day

B. Every 3 days

C. Twice a day

A. Once a day preferably before bed.


Name 2 things you should do in your own bedroom/personal space each week to keep it clean.



Wash sheets

Pick up dirty clothes


Hand sanitizer is just as effective as washing hands with soap and water

Myth, yes hand sanitizer can kill germs but it will not wash off dirt.


Name 2 ways to help prevent acne (small red bumps on your skin).

Wash face with gentle soap twice a day

Use a gentle moisturizer

Do not pop pimples

Eat a nutritious diet

Try not to touch your face


Name the 2 main things that you need to do laundry.

Detergent (soap)



What is the technical name for bad breath.



Sleep hygiene can be improved by keeping your room clean. True or False



You only need deodorant if you notice your armpits are sweating.

Myth, once your armpits are already sweaty deodorant or anti-perspirant can help but you are much better off putting it on right after a shower and in the morning before you start sweating.


Deodorant and Anti -Perspirant work in 2 different ways, what are they?

Deodorant covers up the smell and helps to keep your armpits dry.

Anti-perspirant makes you actually sweat less and covers up the smell.


Do clothes need to washed in hot water in order to get clean?

No, as long as you use detergent (soap)


What is "gingivitis"?

A. An infection on your tongue that makes it rough and bumpy.

B. An infection and swelling of your gums from not flossing, bleeding gums can be a sign of this.

C. Yellow colored teeth from eating and drinking foods that cause stains.



Name 2 things that can happen if you leave food or drinks sitting out in your bedroom for a long time.

Mice come

Smells bad

Mold grows

Ants come

Flies come


Washing your hair less often can actually make your scalp produce less oil over time.

Myth, especially during puberty when your oil glands are producing a lot more oil than when you are adults.
