VRAI/FAUX Phones and headphones are allowed as long as their not a distraction.
Where do you turn in work?
in the tray, on the table, labeled "Turn in Tray"
What is Ms. Benton's preferred beverage?
Zero Sugar Cherry Dr. Pepper (Diet Dr. Pepper will be accepted as correct)
How do you say hello, good morning, or good afternoon?
What should you begin doing after arriving to class?
Check what the bell work is and begin preparing
Where do you find absent work and how many days do you have to turn it in?
Folders on the wall
One day for each day you were absent (So if you miss 3 days, you have 3 days to make it up)
Where did Ms. Benton go to school? (Both her bachelors and masters)
How do you say "See you tomorrow?"
À demain
Where can you find the answer to "What are we doing today?" or "What day is it?" or "What is the date?" or "Is today A or B day?"
On the board
How many days late will a late assignment be accepted?
One week.
What kind of dog does Ms. Benton have? (+100 if you know her name.)
Chihuahua Lulu
How do you say "Pack up?"
Rangez vos affaires
Where can you find scrap paper or writing instruments if you need them?
Over on the table in the bottom tray labeled "scrap paper" and in the basket, both on the table by the door.
How much is deducted from your assignment score when turning it in late?
10% per day
Where in France is Ms. Benton from?
Trick question! I'm American!
How do you say "Have a good day?"
Bonne journée!
If you don't have anything to write with, and no one has been polite enough to return the items they borrowed, so there are no pencils in the drawers, what should you do?
Problem solve. Ask a friend. Dig in your bag. You're almost adults, finding a pen or pencil is not a task an adult needs to hold your hand through.
What is considered cheating? Name at least 3 things.
-Letting someone else copy your work
-Copying someone else's work
-Looking up answer keys online
How many nieces does Ms. Benton have? (+100 for each one you can name.)
Linley (12), Lilyx (12), Adelynn (4), & Samara (2)
How do you ask to use the restroom?
Puis-je aller aux toilettes?