The first thing you do in any emergency situation?
Check the scene to make sure it is safe to give help
Why should we try to determine how many victims are involved in an emergency?
To know how many ambulances to call
An electrical malfunction in the brain which may cause unexplainable actions or behaviors
If someone is having a seizure, do these things...
Clear the area, Put them on their side, time how long it lasts
What does CPR stand for, and what does each word mean?
Cardio = Heart
Pulmonary = Lungs
Resuscitate = Bring Back
What is the purpose of the Good Samaritan Act?
To encourage bystanders to help victims without the fear of being sued.
Do not cause a victim to be placed in a worse situation than when you found them. This is called:
Do No Further Harm
A medical emergency when the organs are not receiving enough blood (therefore not receiving oxygen)
If an adult is choking, use this:
When doing this, use this motion: ___ & ___.
Heimlich Manuever, In and up
A in ABC stands for this
How do you check this?
Airway, tilt chin up to see if there is anything blocking
What is it called to get permission to help someone? How do you get this permission?
Consent; Ask them if they are OK and if they need help
Don't move any victim who possibly has this type of injury:
Neck, spine or back
Use this acronym to use a fire extinguisher. What does it stand for?
PASS- Pull the pin, aim, squeeze, sweep
If a baby is choking, do this
5 back blows, 5 chest compressions
B in ABC stands for this:
How do you check this?
Breathing:Feel and listen for a breathe, look for chest rising
Having automatic permission to help someone is called what? In what situations do you have this automatic permission? List 3.
1- The victim is unconscious
2- The victim is unable to mentally make proper decisions
3- The victim is a minor, and the parents are not around
4- The victim is intoxicated
5- The victim is a minor and the parent wants you to help
Prioritizing treating the worst injuries first to increase the number of survivors
Where can we find the AED at IMS?
Gym, Cafe
If you experience a burn, do this...
Run it under cool/cold water for 10 minutes, wrap it in plastic wrap
C in ABC stands for:
How do you check for this?
Check for pulse in neck or wrist
What does A.I.D. when helping in an emergency stand for?
Ask for consent/help, Intervene, Do no further harm
Pale skin, rapid pulse and breathing, enlarged pupils are all signs of...
When should you stop giving CPR? 3 reasons.
911 has arrived, they are showing signs of life, AED is ready
If someone is in shock, do this
Elevate their legs above their head and heart to get blood to vital organs
Describe how your fingers, arms, chest should be when giving CPR and where on your hand you use.
Fingers: Interlocked
Arms: Straight w elbows locked
Chest: Over victim's chest
Hand: Use heal of palm