Where did the Atlantic slave trade happen?
Atlantic Ocean
How did Abraham Lincoln Die?
He was assasinated
What does SNCC stand for?
Student Non-Violence Cooridinating Committee
Where did slavery happen?
Which political part was anti-slavery?
What act enforced the 15th Amendment?
Voting Rights Act Of 1965
What was the underground railroad?
(This answer may vary) System of secret routes and safe houses that slaves used to get to freedom.
What was a goal of reconstruction?
1. To bring the south and north after the war
2. Help the former slaves
How did African Americans in Montogomery do to protest segregation?
Refused public transportation
Define abolitionism
(This answer may vary) Someone who advocates to end slavery
Possible answers
South: Slave dependant, Large plantations, Cash crops
North: Industrializing
Name two forms of protest during the Civil Rights movement
Possible Answers: Boycotting, Sit-ins, Marching,
Who did Europeans in America enslave before Africans?
Native Americans
Where did the Confederate army surrender?
In McLean's house, Appomattox
What group was MLK a founder and president of?
SCLS: Southern, Christian, Leadership, Conference