This skill forces us to freeze and can prevent us from acting on impulsive urges
STOP skill
The ACCEPTS skill is useful when ______ from what's triggering our distress
This term refers to doing just what is needed wholeheartedly, without dragging our feet
TIP skills
Self-Soothe skill
This skill refers to noticing our thoughts without suppressing, judging, or analyzing them
Mindfulness of Current Thoughts
This skill involves relaxing our face from the top of our head down to our chin and jaw, while also letting our lips slightly turn up.
What does the "I" in TIP stand for
Intense Exercise
When able to distract ourselves, this skill can help us tolerate the current moment when we can't change it
This skill refers to noticing different sensations throughout the body while also focusing on one's breath
Body Scan Meditation
This term can refer to "refusing to do what is needed or tolerating the moment"
This skill involves tensing up parts of your body when inhaling, and releasing tension when exhaling
Paired Muscle Relaxation
This skill involves pairing distressing situations with encouraging statements and relaxation
Effective Paired Re-thinking
Name two reasons to use crisis survival skills
1. Emotional pain threatens to become overwhelming
2. We cannot immediately problem solve or change a situation for the better, or doing so may make it worse
Pain + non-acceptance
What is the name of name of the biological response we activate when submerging our face in cold water and holding our breath
Mammalian Dive Reflex
What does each letter of the ACCEPTS skill stand for?
Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing Away, Thoughts, Sensations
Name the 3 goals of distress tolerance
1. Survive crisis situations without making them worse
2. Accept Reality and reduce suffering
3. Become free
This skill helps put us on the path towards acceptance, and is often depicted as a "fork in the road"
Turning the Mind
1. Sympathetic Nervous System-Flight/Flight/Freeze
2. Parasympathetic Nervous System-Rest and Digest, creates a sense of calm