The contraction for that is
What is that's?
The contraction for is not
What is isn't?
The contraction for what is
What is what's?
The contraction for was not
What is wasn't?
The contraction for there is
What is there's?
The contraction for you are
What is you're?
The contraction for we have
What is we've?
The contraction for we are
What is we're?
The contraction for could not
What is couldn't?
The contraction for does not
What is doesn't?
The contraction for did not
What is didn't?
The contraction for they are
What is they're?
The contraction should not
What is shouldn't?
The contraction for would not
What is wouldn't?
The contraction for he had or he would
What is he'd?
A private book of thoughts
What is diaries?
To put to use
Liquid falling in drops
What is dripping?
The contraction for will not
What is won't?
The contraction for are not
What is aren't?
The opposite of would
What is wouldn't?
The opposite of should
What is shouldn't?
The opposite of they are not
What is they're?
The opposite of he would not
What is he'd?
The opposite of could
What is couldn't?