A Framework of understanding that involves realizing, recognizing, responding and avoiding (re)traumatization of individuals
Trauma Informed Care
Pain, Headaches, Abdominal Pain, Somatic Complaints, Substance Use Disorder
Physical Effects of Trauma
Walk in room and say, "Hi we are starting your IV now"
Bad: Knock first...My name is Jo, I see your name is Mary Jane, how would like you like to address you
Sexual Assault is a crime that must be reported to Law Enforcement
Which principle of TIC emphasizes the importance of creating a physically and emotionally safe environment
Safety and Security
Depression, Anxiety, Vulnerability, Fearfulness, Numbness, Irritability,
Emotional Effects
The next step is to start an IV. DO you prefer I use your right arm or your left?
Good - Offering Choice
Evidence is only collected if the patient hasn't showered
Offering choices and using shared decision making is what TIC principle
Memory Loss, Difficulty Making Decisions, Difficulty Concentrating, Flashbacks
Cognitive Effects
Why didn't you fight back?
It is important to document post assault activities such as bathing, eating, swimming, consensual sexual activities
True -