" My ____ shall not pass away."
What is word?
By the Lord's voice or His servants, it is the ____.
What is, same?
"...having looked around me, and finding myself _____..."
What is alone?
How bright was the pillar of light?
What is brighter than the Sun?
Many of the D & C are a result of someone doing this...
What is asking a question?
"The Spirit shall not always ______ ____ ___."
What is, strive with man?
What can't the Lord tolerate, even a little?
What is, sin?
"... I kneeled down and began to offer up the _______ __ __ _____ to God."
What is, desires of my heart?
What happened immediately after Joseph started praying?
What is, seized upon by some power?
Joseph and Nephi are examples that the Lord answers the Q's of this group of people?
Who are teenagers?
Prophesies and promises in the scriptures, shall all be _________.
What is fulfilled?
"...I have spoken and I ______ not myself;...."
What is, excuse?
"I saw a ______ __ _____ exactly over my head."
What is, pillar of light?
What was Joseph's object? hint, Vs. 18
What is to know which sect was right?
The first objective of Seminary.
What is, deepen our conversion to Jesus Christ?
Those who don't repent, have this taken away.
What is, light?
Who has power to lay the foundation of the Church?
Who are, " ...those to whom these commandments were given...?"
What was Joseph told first to do concerning God's "Beloved Son"?
What is hear Him?
Joseph was told all of these were wrong.
What is, sects or churches or religions?
The second objective of Seminary.
What is, qualify for the blessings of the Temple?
"Search these Commandments" is another way to say, _____ the __________.
What is Study the Scriptures?
The commandments are not only true, they are ________.
What is, faithful?
First word spoken to Joseph is the Sacred Grove and by whom?
What is, Joseph and Heavenly Father?
Joseph was destined to prove a _________ and an _______ of Satan's kingdom.
What is, disturber / annoyer?
Third objective of Seminary.
What is help ourselves, family, and others get to Heaven?