What is your first, middle, last name?
Give yours
Is this a good example of a phone number?
What is Mrs. Meyer's dogs' name?
What is your health?
A good example of an emergency contact?
Mom, dad, close relative
When asked for your full name, what should you give?
First, middle, and last name
Does the area code need to be included when writing your phone number down?
What is Mrs. P's dogs' name?
How many dependents do you have?
What is the name of your emergency contact?
first, last name
Give a proper reponse for your mailling address?
house number, street, City, State, zip code
True or False. Is it important to know your emergency contact phone number by heart?
What is Ms. H's dogs' name?
Name of your doctor?
Dr. Smith
What is your relationship to your emergency contact?
mom, dad
What would be a good anwser for last school you attended and location?
How many kids does Mrs. Meyer have?
You are citizen of what country?
United States
What is the telephone number of your emergency contact?
Give example
Location of your birth?
Give a city and state
What do you put down on paperwork if you do not have your own phone number?
Parents, grandparents, or close relative that can reach you.
How many grandkids will Mrs. P have in the year 2025?
2, Congrats Mrs. P!
You spouse's name
What is a signature?
a person's name written in a distinctive way as a form of identification in authorizing a check or document or concluding a letter.