Trevor's mom's first name.
What is Patricia?
It was because his mom and dad were of different races.
How was Trevor Noah literally "born a crime" in apartheid South Africa?
Trevor, Patricia, and their dogs.
Who was Abel abusive to?
Eating cookies at his grandmother's and letting his cousins be punished; Removing the magnifying glasses from the school projectors; Stealing chocolates from the mall.
What were some of Trevor's mischievous acts?
According to Trevor, these bridge the gaps between cultures.
What are sports?
Patricia attends three of them on Sundays.
How many church services does Trevor's mom attend weekly?
He came into power in South Africa and fought against the apartheid system.
Who was Nelson Mandela?
He spent zero days.
How much time did Abel spend in prison for the attempted murder of Patricia?
Crime would lessen if people personally saw the impact it has on its victims.
What does the stolen camera make Trevor realize?
Chameleon, clown, and prankster.
What are terms Trevor uses to describe himself in the book?
They have two children together.
Who are Patricia and Abel?
People there are expected to help each other and share when able.
What is true of the hood in Alexandra, South Africa?
It was because of his deep-seated resentment towards Patricia's independence and her refusal to conform to traditional gender roles.
Why did Abel shoot Patricia?
It could provide choices in apartheid South Africa.
What is money?
It was because she wanted a name that had no meaning in South Africa.
Why did Patricia name her first child Trevor?
The police wouldn't help her.
Why didn't Patricia file abuse charges against Abel?
Chinese people were considered black, Japanese people were considered white; the government could move people up and down on the race hierarchy scale; Families could be split up if on member was darker than another.
What was true of the race situation in apartheid South Africa?
Abel wanted Patricia to stay home with him on Sundays.
Why didn't Abel like Patricia attending church all day on Sundays?
A gun was found on a minibus which could have been anybody's on public transportation.
Why was Trevor arrested?
This trait shows how Trevor showed persistence.
What trait does Trevor show in his attempt to find his father after ten years of being apart?
She owned black cats, became a secretary, and refused to be subservient to her husband.
How did Patricia rebel against societal norms?
This would describe the ideal Tsonga woman where Abel is from.
What is subservient?
Abel bought alcohol with the profits, the business went downhill, and Trevor had to spend all his time helping out.
What happened when Patricia and Abel bought Mighty Mechanics?
They shouted "Go Hitler!" during a performance at the King David school's cultural day.
Why was Trevor's dance group asked to leave King David School?
According to Trevor, this is the greatest gift you can give another person.
What is "being chosen"?