Other Things
Natural law and legal positivism
Civil law and common law
Privacy and freedom of speech

What law in the United States protects freedom of speech?

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects freedom of speech.


Who is responsible for creating laws in the framework of legal positivism?

In legal positivism laws are produced by state authorities (legislatures or governments).


Which legal system out of the two following predominantly influences Kyrgyzstan: Civil (continental) law or common (Anglo-Saxon) law?

Kyrgyzstan is primarily influenced by Civil (continental) law.


Should international standards of source protection be extended to individuals who gather and disseminate information in good faith and in the public interest, beyond just professional journalists (Yes or no)?





What is the journalist's duty to ensure the accuracy of their reports?

A journalist must verify facts or do fact-checking.


Which concept of the two believes that human rights exist even without laws made by the state? 

Natural law asserts that laws should be based on inherent moral principles that exist independently of human-made laws.


What is the primary source of law in the civil (continental) law system? A) Codified laws B) Judicial precedents?

A) Codified laws.


When can freedom of speech prevail over the right to privacy?

Freedom of speech can prevail when it comes to matters of public interest.


What is the main goal of the Act called GDPR in the EU?

To protect individuals' personal data and ensure privacy rights within the European Union.


Which concept of the two says that laws are made by people to keep order in society?

Legal positivism emphasizes that laws are created by human authorities, regardless of moral considerations.


In the common law system, which is the primary source of law: judicial precedents or statutes?

Judicial precedents are the primary source of law in the common law system, guiding court decisions, while statutes are secondary and interpreted in light of precedents.


Who has to meet a higher burden of proof in a defamation case: a public figure or a private individual?"

A public figure. Private individuals only need to prove negligence in verifying the truth of the statement before publishing it.


Why, according to international standards, are state symbols (flag, anthem etc.) typically excluded from protection under laws concerning honor and dignity?

Because state symbols are abstract concepts that have no honor.


Which concept of the two argues that laws must follow moral standards? 

Natural law holds that there are universal moral principles that laws should align with.


What is the main source of law in the legal system of Kyrgyzstan?

The Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic as it serves as the supreme law of the country, from which all other laws and legal principles are derived. 


According to international standards, which of the following can never be used as a defense against defamation charges brought by public figures? A) Truth B) Actual malice C) Opinion D) Good faith mistake

B) Actual malice. If the information is clearly aimed at damaging the dignity and reputation of a person, it indicates defamation.


Which freedom (negative or positive) focuses on protection from government interference in private matters?

Negative freedom which refers to the protection from government interference in an individual's personal and private matters (such as freedom of speech, privacy, etc.). 


Which legal system relies on rights established and regulated by the state?

In legal positivism, rights are determined, and laws are created and enforced by the state, not relying on moral principles or natural law.  


Why is Kyrgyzstan influenced by the civil law system?

Kyrgyzstan is influenced by the civil law system due to its Soviet heritage, where civil law principles were adopted.


In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade found that women can have abortions by referring to this human right, which involves the ability to make decisions about pregnancy without government interference. What HUMAN RIGHT is being referred to? 

The right to privacy.
