This young man had a ruddy complexion and beautiful eyes
1 Sam 16:12
Who is David
John the Baptist was know to eat this nasty food. He said "it tastes like chicken!"
What are locusts
This potent potable makes the heart of mortal man rejoice
Psalm 104:15
What is wine
Genesis 14:18
What is Salem
This mamma thought the offspring of Genesis 3:15 was her son
Gen 4:1
Who is Eve
This faithful man feared for his life because his wife "was beautiful in appearance"
Genesis 26:7
Who is Sarah?
The stupid one who repeats his foolishness is like this nasty habit
Provers 26:11
Don't put this potent potable in your old wineskins or you will have a mess!
Matthew 9:17
What is new wine?
This city was known for the temple of Artemis, one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world
What is Ephesus?
An angel said this Mamma was "highly favored"
Luke 1:28
Who is Mary?
He was one hairy dude!
Genesis 25:25/Genesis 27:11
Who is Esau?
Manna would have these nasty buggers if saved for the next day
What are maggots
He was suggested to drink a little wine because 他的肚子不舒服
1 Timothy 5:23
Who is Timothy
The Arc came to rest on this Mountain chain
What are the mountains of Ararat
In her desire to become Queen, this bad Mamma killed off all but one of her sons
2 Chronicles 22:11,12
Who is Queen Athaliah
This man had hair that would make any Glam Rock Band jealous weighing 200 shekels
2 Samuel 14:25,26
Who is Absalom?
Jehovah commanded Ezekiel to cook is bread over this nastiness as a prophetic warning
Ezekiel 4:12-17
What is cattle manure
This festival was a celebration of thanks for potent potables! The Israelites did party
Deuteronomy 16:13
What is the Festival of Booths
The refreshing dew that comes from the cold peaks of this mountain serves as a reminder for brotherly unity
What is Mount Hermon
This Mamma asked Jesus to give her boys a special place in the Kingdom
Matt 20:20,21
Who is the Mamma of the sons of Zebedee (James and John)
He was a very fat man... which lead to his demise!
Judges 3:17,21-22
Who is King Eglon?
This nast bird would dig in dunghills and garbage heaps for food and was stanky. It was unclean to the Israelites
Lev 11:13,19
What is the Hoopoe Bird
Isaiah compared Isreal's leaders to this ... not so potent potable
Isaiah 1:22
What is Beer (Heffeveissin)
Pauls friends met him at this tavern found on the Appian Way
What is the Three Taverns
This bad Mamma is the mother of the disgusting things of the Earth
Revelation 17:5
Who is Babylon the Great?