this color is one of the primary colors, and it is not blue or yellow
this is an animal that many people have as a pet and take on walks
a dog
this is the job that Anamae and Patricia have
this is the place in the house where we sleep at night
this is something that you can write with and erase your marks later
a pencil
in rainbow order, this color is between red and yellow
this is an animal that lives in the water, but it is small enough to keep in a tank at home
a fish
this is a job where people enforce laws and protect citizens
a police officer
this is a place where we buy food
grocery store
this is something that you rest your head on when you sleep
a pillow
this color starts with the letter P and ends with the letter E
this animal flies in the air using wings covered with feathers
a bird
this is a job for people who like to cook food
a chef
this is the place where we go when we are sick or injured
the hospital
this is something that you use to eat soup
a spoon
This color doesn't mean stop or go, it means slow down
this animal is very slow, it has a shell, and it can swim and walk on land
a turtle
this is a job for people who like to design buildings
an architect
this is the place where people go when they want to see a musician perform
a concert
this is something that you wear to see when it is really sunny outside
this color is a mix between blue and green
turquoise or teal
this is a wild animal that eats grass, is afraid of mice, has big ears, and its name starts with an E
this is a job for people who like to arrange flowers
a florist
this is the place where people go to get their hair or their nails done
a salon
this is an item that you use to exfoliate your body in the shower
a loofah