What are the Vogons like
Vogons are extremely ugly and they don't care about anything
who is Ford Prefect
He is arthur dent's best friend and he was stuck on earth for 15 years
Where does Arthur Dent live
He lives in the West Country of England. In a small hamlet called Cottington
What does Magrathea represent
Magrathea is an ancient planet populated by a species that made itself rich by designing custom-built luxury planets for wealthy clients.
How does Zaphod and Ford know each other
they are half-semi-cousins
Who is the leader of the Vogons
Vogon jeltz
Who is Arthur Dent
unheroic doofus who wanders around in a perpetual daze not really knowing what's going on.
Where does the Vogons live
The Vogons are from the planet Vogsphere
Who lives in Magrathea
(Who's says this) “what else was there to do” on earth?
Trilian says this
What does a Vogon look like
They have green rubby skin that is waterproof
What is Slartibartfast job
Slartibartfast is a Magrathean and a designer of planets.
What happened in chapter 34 of the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
Trillian, Zaphod, and Arthur rush to the Heart of Gold, but Ford decides to investigate the police starship and trips over Marvin, who is lying on the ground.
Why are they building a 2nd Earth
because the 1st Earth got destroyed
What are Vogons poetry like
The Vogons poetry is the third worst poetry in the Universe. It's bad also about what they say in there poetry
Are Vogons helpful
Vogons are described as one of the most unpleasant races in the galaxy not actually evil and they have bad tempered, bureaucratic, officious and callous
Who is the president of the galaxy
Zaphod Beeblebrox
What are the different plots in the story
The plot of The Hitchhiker's Guide centres on permanently bemused human protagonist
Who did not make it to the portal
Arthur,Marvin didn't make it through the portal
What is the number 42
The number 42 is the answer to the “Great Question” of “Life the Universe and Everything”
A fictional alien race from the planet Vogsphere in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Vogons meaning
What are trillian's mice names
there names are Frankie Mouse and Benjy Mouse
What are the themes of the story
Is Magrathea a good planet to live on
it might be for some people but its not because money can't buy everything you want like love,friends, or family
What is the message of the hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: which Means the Life also Meaninglessness of Life