Starting a conversation
Body language
Maintaining a topic
Joining a conversation
Ending a conversation

Greetings can be verbal or nonverbal. What is a greeting you can use when you see your friend?


Good to see you

Good morning


High five

You should be looking at the floor when you are talking to someone. True or False?

False, you should be looking at them to show you are listening.


Bobby is telling his friend Tom a funny story about his family's Christmas dinner. He has been talking for ten minutes as Tom nods and says, "Mhm." How is Bobby showing poor conversation skills?

Bobby is doing all of the talking and is not giving Tom a chance to make comments or ask questions. 

A group is talking in the cafeteria and you want to go join them since there is a seat open at the table. How can you join the conversation?

You should wait to figure out what they are talking about so you can make a connected comment or ask a related question.


How would someone feel if you didn't end a conversation and just walked away?

The other person we were talking to would feel confused or hurt.


What can you ask your friend when you get back from winter break?

How was your break?

What did you do for break?

Did you do anything fun over break?

What was your favorite thing over break?


How can you show you are actively listening to someone?

Looking toward them

Making connected comments and asking related questions


If your friend says, "I won my soccer game on Saturday!", what is a connected comment you can make?


How many points did your team get?

Did you do anything to celebrate?


A group is all talking in the classroom. The teacher then tells everyone to take a seat and start their assignment. Is this a good time to join the group?

No, the teacher gave a direction, so this is not a time to start talking.

How should you end a conversation?

Wait for a pause and then give a reason of why you need to go.


How can you start a conversation with someone you don't know?

Hi, I'm ____.

Hi, what's your name?

Hi, are you new here?

Give a compliment (I like your shoes.)


Your friend is talking about their summer trip. You are turned away from them and are watching your other friends play on the playground. Is this appropriate?

No, you should be looking toward your friend who is talking


If you want to go play, you can ask your friend if you can talk about their trip later and ask if they want to go join the others on the playground.


If my friends are talking about their favorite music, it's ok for me to share about what I did over the weekend. True or False?

False. This would be an off-topic comment.


Two of your friends are talking quietly together in the hallway. They look like they are having a serious conversation. Is this a good time to join the group?

No, they are likely having a private conversation.

You and your friend are talking after school. You realize you are about to miss your bus. What should you do?

Say, "Sorry, I need to go or I'll miss my bus. Let's talk later."


How can you get the attention of your teacher in the classroom?

Raise your hand

Go up to ask her a question quietly


You want to get your teacher's attention. You stand up and wave your arms, shouting her name. This is a good way to get the attention of your teacher. True or False?

False, this is not an appropriate way to get the attention of your teacher.


What are the three ways you can continue a conversation?

Make a connected comment

Ask a related question

Give a compliment


What are the main things you should do to join a conversation?

Wait for a pause in the conversation

Listen for a little bit to figure out what they are talking about so you can make a connected comment.


Give an example of what you could say to end a conversation with a friend.

"It was nice talking to you, bye!"

"I have to go home, later!"

"See you later!"


How can you tell if is a good time to have a conversation with another person?

They are not busy.

Pay attention to where you are at (recess vs library) and decide if it is an appropriate place to start a conversation.


You want to talk to your friend about your fun trip to the zoo. Your friend looks sad. Is this an appropriate time to talk about your trip? What should you do?

No, your friend is sad so you should check in with them by asking what is wrong.


John and Sally are having a conversation. Sally is making eye contact and has her body turned toward John. John is talking about his birthday party on Sunday. Sally interrupts to share that her birthday is two months away. What did Sally do wrong in this situation? What should she have done?

She interrupted John while he was talking. She should have waited for a pause in the conversation or waited for her turn to talk. 


Your teacher is talking to another teacher in the hallway. Is this a good time to join the conversation?

No, you should wait until your teacher is finished talking unless it is an emergency.


Matt is talking to his friend, Wyatt. Matt remembers he forgot to turn in his assignment. He rushes away from Wyatt to go turn it in. What is Wyatt probably thinking? 

- "Matt probably forgot to turn in his assignment."

- "Matt is so funny when he walks away during our conversations!"

- "Matt is so rude for walking away while we are talking."

"Matt is so rude for walking away while we are talking."
