Spanish word for (to prepare).
What is preparar?
The Spanish word for fish?
What is pescado?
The Spanish word for spoon?
What is cuchara?
The Spanish word for eggs?
What are los huevos?
The Spanish word for desert?
What is postre?
The Spanish word for (to mix)?
What is mezclar?
The Spanish word for spinach?
What are las espinicas?
The Spanish word for fork?
What is tenedor?
The Spanish word for turkey?
What is pavo?
The Spanish word for caramel custard?
What is flan?
The Spanish word for (to cover)?
What is cubrir?
The Spanish word for beans?
What are frijoles?
The Spanish word for tablespoon?
What is cucharada?
The Spanish word for fried chicken?
What is pollo frito?
The Spanish word for chocolate cake?
What is pastel de chocolate?
The Spanish word for (to scramble)?
What is revolver?
The Spanish word for butter?
What is mantequilla?
The Spanish word for knife?
What is cuchilla?
The Spanish word for chicken breast?
What are la pechuga de pollo?
The Spanish word for rice pudding
What is el pudín de arroz
The Spanish word for (to freeze)?
What is congelar?
The Spanish Word for avocado?
What is aguacate?
The Spanish word for teaspoon?
What is cucharada?
The Spanish word for porkchops?
What are las chuletas de creo?
The Spanish word for jello
What is la gelatina