How many credits do you need to graduate from EWHS
What does GPA Stand for
Grade Point Average
How many career clusters are there?
14 clusters
Name 2 different types of post-secondary education
Which school counselor works with A-K
Mrs. Whalen
How many community service hours should you have by the end of this year?
What is a transcript & why is it important
A transcript is your high school report card. Courses, credits, final grades, rank and GPA are on your transcript. It is your permanent record. It is important to take pride in it and do your best. Your transcript is a key piece of the college admissions process.
What is a resume? Name 3 things that should be on your resume?
A brief written account of personal, educations, and professional qualifications and experience. Contact information, education, work experience, volunteer experience, honors/awards, skills and abilities, and hobbies are pieces that could appear on your resume.
What is the name of CollegeBoard courses that a student can take in high school to potentially earn college credit.
Advanced Placement
What is the state assessment you will take JUNIOR year
How many world language credits are required for graduation
1 credit
How many credits do you need, at MINIMUM, to become a sophomore?
6 credits
Name 3 things that you should learn about your potential career interests.
Job description, education required, working conditions, earnings, job outlook, related careers.
True or False: University of Hartford is a public university
How many STEM elective credits are required for graduation
3 credits
What is the eligibility policy for sports and extra curricular activities?
70 average and no more than 1 F
Which of the following IS NOT one of the career clusters?
Medicine, Healthcare & Human Services, Marketing & Sales, Supply Chain & Transportation.
What degree is earned after the successful completion of 4 years of study?
Bachelor's degree
How many PE & Health Credits are required for graduation?
2 credits
1 PE
1 Health
How are GPA and class rank determined?
GPA is determined by quality points earned for each final grade. Class rank is based on student GPA.
Travel Agent, Chef, and Hotel Manager fall into which career cluster?
Hospitality, Events, & Tourism
What does FAFSA stand for?
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
What is the name of our School Social Worker