What is the first step in creating a task analysis?
Identify the skill
Total task is a variation of what other chaining procedure?
Forward Chaining
What do you need to do before starting a forward chain?
What is the largest bone in the human body?
How many face cards are in a deck?
Task analysis could be an effective way of __________ engagement by children at school in social skills and skills for independence.
Pick a certain student you either work with now or have previously. What are 3 skills you could write a task analysis about?(no names)
How are total task and forward chaining different
Total task teaches the entire task at once, forward chaining teaches skills to mastery one by one.
What is a group of owls called?
A parliment
What state can you type using only one line of your keyboard?
What steps would the teacher complete in the following scenario:
Turn on faucet
Wet both hands.
Place one hand under soap dispenser.
Place other hand on pump and press.
Lather away from faucet until both hands are covered in suds.
Rub hands under faucet until suds are not visible.
Turn off faucet.
Pull paper towel
Rub between hands until dry.
Throw paper towel(s) in trash can.
steps 1-9
What response is taught first in backwards chaining?
The last response
Having a child to put on his or her coat at playtime rather than an adult doing this for them could promote ____________?
Which continent is in all four hemispheres?
The average one blinks how many times per minute?
Backwards chaining is used for students who _________ complete more than a couple steps of a given task independently.
What are the 3 types of chaining?
What does HOH stand for on a data sheet?
Hand over Hand
How many hearts do octopuses have?
What are the 5 steps for creating a task analysis?
2. Break it down
3. Sequence the steps
4. Teach each step
5. Put it all together
Task analysis creates ___________ for the child to learn and develop functional skills such as social and communication skills
What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican City
What is the deepest part of the Mariana Trench?
Challenger Deep