Transports oxygen to the cells in the body
circulatory system
The process of eliminating or expelling waste matter
True or false
blood picks up oxygen in the lungs
Muscle that is attached to the skeleton
Skeletal muscle
uses hormones to communicate with the body
endocrine system
receives information from the environment
nervous system
Bean shaped organs that filter your blood
true or false
blood cells are manufactured in the lungs
Muscle that is found in your heart
Cardiac muscle
turns food into nutrient molecules
digestive system
gets rid of liquid waste from the body
excretory system
Pair of organs that sit within the rib cage
true or false
blood carries carbon dioxide to the lungs
Causes movement you cannot control
involuntary muscle
enables the body to move
two answers
skeletal system and muscular system
exhales waste gases such as carbon dioxide
respiratory system
The layer of usually soft, flexible outer tissue covering the body
true or false
blood picks up nutrients from the small intestine
Is your body completely still?
No. Only when dead
The one thing that supplies energy to cells
food or glucose
gives the body structure and protection
two answers
skeletal system and muscular system
It helps to eliminate waste but needs other organs to help excrete the waste
true or false
blood carries nutrients to cells in the organs of the respiratory system
How do muscles cause movement?
When the muscle shortens it pulls the bone
Where do cells get oxygen from?
respiratory system