What is one thing you can do to remember what to do each day?
Make a list
What can you do if you start feeling distracted?
Take a short break
What can you use to write down important tasks?
A notebook or calendar
What is a schedule?
A plan that shows what you need to do and when.
What’s one way to focus better?
Find a quiet place to work
How can an alarm help you?
It reminds you of things you need to do.
What can you use to help remind you of important times?
An alarm or calendar
Why is it important to finish one task before starting another?
It helps you stay organized
What can you use to check off tasks as you finish?
A checklist
Why is it helpful to write down tasks?
It helps you remember what you need to do.
What’s one thing to avoid when you need to focus?
Distractions like the TV.
How can a timer help with tasks?
It helps you stay on track