In Roman Mythology who is the God of the Sea?
Name the flag
United Kingdom
In which type of government are citizens MOST likely to choose their leader?
Who is this person?
King Tut
What do the word "deity" means?
God or goddess
In Roman Mythology who is the the God of War?
Name the flag
When a King or Queen rule and control a government, it is known as a ______.
What is the name of this?
How many children did Poseidon have?
Name this person
Octavian Augustus Cesar
Name the flag
A government which is ruled by one single person is called a ______.
What is this called?
Pyramids of Giza
Who is the deity that sprouted from Zeus head?
What is their title?
Athena "Goddess of war and wisdom"
In Roman Mythology what is the name of Mars children?
Remus and Romolus
Name the flag
What is this person name?
Kim Jong Un
What is the name of the ancient Egyptian sun god?
RA or Amun Ra
What deity is associated with this symbol?
Aphrodite "Goddess of Love and Beauty"
Who is the last Pharaoh of Egypt?
Cleopatra the 14th
Name the flag
What is this person name?
Queen Elizabeth 2nd
What is the most well-known ancient Egyptian burial practice? and why did they do it?
Mummification and getting the body prepared for the afterlife.