Mandarin is orange in color.
What color is a tangerine?
A large snake is extremely fast and venomous. It is capable of moving short distances at speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour
What is the danger of the black mamba?
What color was the porridge from "Masha and the Bear"?
Who is the villain in The Lion King?
Yes, I do sports. No, I don't do sports.
Ongoing Action Question: Have you been working out?
What fruit is like a light bulb?
Large mammals that kill about 500 people every year. They are large and powerful, and despite being herbivores, they are armed with long, deadly teeth.
What is the danger of a hippopotamus?
What did Cinderella lose by running away from the prince?
What is the name of the cowboy from Toy Story?
They have been studying for three hours. They do not study for a long time.
Question about the duration of actions: How long have they been studying?
Pear, apple and banana.
What fruit do worms love very much?
These aggressive reptiles have a huge bite force and can move on land at speeds of up to 20 km/h (in water - up to 40 km/h).
What is the danger of a crocodile?
the demigod of water and wind Maui
Who stole the heart of the goddess Te Fiti in the cartoon "Moana"?
What is the main character afraid of in the film "Vertigo"?
Yes, I see her regularly. No, I don't see her regularly.
Question about repetitive actions or habits: Have you been seeing her regularly?
Cherry, lemon, orange, tangerine
Which fruit in Gianni Rodari's fairy tale "Cipollino" bore the title of prince?
In most cases, they attack in packs and leave no chance for prey.
What is the danger of a wolf?
to the cheese
What did Roquefort feel an irresistible craving for in the cartoon "Chip and Dale to the Rescue"?
investment banker.
What is the profession of the main character in the movie American Psycho?
Yes, the rain affects my plans. No, the rain does not affect my plans.
Continuing effect question: Has the rain been affecting your plans?
Grapes, orange and apple
Which fruit is the sweetest?
Bears can behave aggressively towards people, protecting their territory, prey, or cubs.
What is the danger of a bear?
"Faithful, active, light, therapeutic, skillful."
What does it mean and how do you decipher the name of a robot in the cartoon "WALL-E"?
"Army of Darkness".
Which movie has the line "This is my boomstik!"?
Yes, I've been feeling better lately. No, I haven't felt better lately.
The question about how long does a person feel better: Have you been feeling better lately?