What is the difference between gram - and gram + bacteria?
Gram + =Thick outer peptidoglycan layer
Gram - = LPS layer outside
Main virulence factors of bacteria?
EPS, typeII secretion, quorum sensing, type III secretion
Which are the two types of PRR receptors?
Receptor-like kinase (RLK) and receptor-like protein (RLP)
How do CC-NLRs activate plant immunity?
They form a pentamer that binds to the plasma membrane and created a pore
Main bacterial symptomatology?
Spots, rot and wilting
Why the genes of the typeIII secretion system are called hrp (hypersensitive response genes?)
Effectors secreted by TypeIII can be recognized by R genes and trigger HR
What are the two types of NLR receptors?
Which NLR type required the use of a helper NLR?
What are the three main bacterial entry points in the plant?
Stomata, hydathodes, wounds
What is a fast plant defence after recognition of flagellin?
Stomata clousure
Name a method to visualize HR in plants?
What is a key function of proteases in the context of HR?
Key factors to control a bacterial plant disease?
Dissemination and survival
Which hormone is induced in the cells undergoing cell death?
Salycilic acid
What happens when a necrotroph pathogen triggers HR?
It triggers necrotrophic susceptibily