lesson 1
lesson 2
lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5

What is Stress?

A: The combination of a new or possibly threatening situation and your body’s natural response to the situation.


Q. Give an example of a kind of "fight-or flight" situation.


Giving a speech to a large audience.

-Facing a sudden danger, like a car swerving toward you.

-Experiencing a confrontation or argument with someone.


What is defense mechanism?

A defense mechanism is an automatic, short-term behavior to cope with distress


The ability to handle stress in healthy ways

Stress management


A plan is….

Any detailed program created ahead of time for doing something.


A stressor can be pleasant T/F



What is epinephrine?

A. Epinephrine (EP uh NEPH rin) is a stress hormone that increases the level of sugar in your blood and directs the “fight-or-flight” response.


What is the purpose of defense mechanisms?

You may use defense mechanisms to cope with stressors and deal with problems.


Name 4 physical signs of distress

Answers may vary (eg Shortness of breath, teeth grinding, etc.)


You can stop distress by….

Making a plan ahead of time


Name one common stressor for teens

A: Answers may vary. Example answers may include arguing with a sibling, trying out for a sports team, failing a class, etc


Q. What happens to your body if you stay stressed for too long?

a) You feel more energetic

b) You feel very tired and weak

c) You become happier



What are three defense mechanisms?

rationalism, displacement, repression, denial, projection


Changing your emotional response to a stressor



List 3 tips for preventing stress.

Having fun and playing outside, getting Atleast 8 hours of sleep, treating others with respect, the way you want to be treated.


Distinguish between distress and eustress

A: Distress is the negative physical, mental, social, or emotional strain in response to a stressor

Eustress (commonly known as positive stress) is the stress response that happens when winning, succeeding, and achieving.


Q. Why is it important to take a break after prolonged stress?

A. To allow your body and mind to recover.


What is rationalization?

Making excuse instead of admitting to mistakes


Name 3 ways of managing distress, and explain each one

Asserting yourself, planning ahead, laughing


What should you do if your plan doesn’t seem to be working?

Find a person you trust, ask them to help you review and improve your plan.


what are the four types of stress responses? Give one example per stress response.

A: physical, mental, emotional, and social


Q. Explain how long-term stress can negatively affect the following parts of the body. Provide one specific problem for each:




A. Brain: Long-term stress can lead to anxiety disorders or depression, and it can increase the risk of a stroke due to high blood pressure.

Heart: It can cause heart disease and heart attacks due to chronic stress putting extra strain on the heart.

Skin: Skin conditions such as acne, hives, psoriasis, and eczema can worsen under stress.


Why may a defense mechanism not be helpful to manage the stressor?

Since people use defense mechanisms to avoid coping with the stressor, defense machanisms delay having to deal with the stressor. In the end, the stressor is still there. Often, it becomes even worse.


Why should you not ignore signs of distress?

Ignorance can lead to illness, depression, or unhealthy behavior (coping mechanisms)


Prioritize these tasks in a list of greatest to least importance/urgency

Studying for a big math test tomorrow, going outside with your friends, watching a TV show to relax, walking your dog, washing the dishes, going to soccer practice tonight, eating dinner. 

1. Eating dinner

2. Studying for a big math test tomorrow

3. Going to soccer practice tonight

4. Walking your dog (Interchangeable)

5. Washing the dishes (interchangeable)

6. Going outside with your friends/watching a TV show to relax