What year does Leah's character time travel to?
What events did George Orton compete in?
The track events
Who does Vista act as?
George Orton
How does Leah's character travel back in time?
She goes through a portal
What is George Orton known for?
Being the first Canadian athlete to win an Olympic gold medal
How many victories is George Orton known to have?
Did George Orton play only one sport, or multiple sports?
Multiple sports
What does George Orton give Leah's character?
New running shoes and his book
In what year did George Orton attend the Paris Olympics?
What does George Orton think of the 'running shoes' Leah's character wears at the beginning of the video?
He thinks they're horrendous
What are examples of outdoor activities that were enjoyed during the 1900s?
Camping, fishing, and hiking
What is the name of Leah's character?
Patricia Miller
Where does Leah's character teleport to?
A running track
What country was George Orton winning gold seen as a victory for, at first.
The United States
What is Leah's character doing while before she time travels?
She was running
What is the role of Mahta's character?
Besides being an athlete, what did George Orton do?
He was an author
What place did George Orton get in the 400m hurdles?
What is the name of the book that George Orton released in 1911?
Distance and Cross Country Running
What university did George Orton attend in Canada?
The University of Toronto
When was Canada's official Olympic team created?
Where was George Orton born? (city and province)
Strathroy, Ontario
What university did George Orton attend in the United States?
The University of Pennsylvania
What running tip does George Orton give Leah's character?
To straighten out her back more
What event did George Orton win gold for?
The 2500m steeplechase