I run in the morning
Do I run in the morning?
You swim in the afternoon.
Do you swim in the afternoon?
They drink coffee in the afternoon.
Do they drink coffee in the afternoon?
He runs in the park every day.
Does he run in the park every day?
The crocodile swims in the pool inn the morning
Does it swim in the pool in the morning?
I sing in the evening.
Do I sing in the evening?
We run together every morning.
Do we run together every morning?
They ride a bike on weekends.
Do they ride a bike on weekends?
He speaks English fluently.
Does he speak English fluently?
The bird sings in the choir on Sundays
Does it sing in the choir on Sundays?
I drive to the grocery store in the afternoon.
Do I drive to the grocery store in the afternoon?
We play soccer together every night.
Do we play soccer together every night?
They eat breakfast together every day.
Do they eat breakfast together every day?
She reads books in the evening before bed.
Does she read books in the evening before bed?
The dog barks everyday
Does it bark everyday?
You read books in the evening.
Don't you read books in the evening?
We play basketball after school.
Don't we play basketball after school?
They watch movies on weekends.
Don't they watch movies on weekends?
She swims in the pool in the morning.
Doesn't she swim in the pool in the morning?
The lion sleeps at midnight.
Doesn't the lion sleep at midnight?
You travel during the summer.
Don't you travel during the summer?
We study in the afternoon.
Don't we study in the afternoon?
They eat breakfast together every day.
Don't they eat breakfast together every day?
She travels to different countries every year.
Doesn't she travel to different countries every year?
The cat cries in the evening
Doesn't it cry in the evening?