Thou shalt not have these before me.
other Gods
Thou shalt not commit this capital crime, and many think is the easiest commandment to follow.
In the first plague, the Lord turned the water into this.
This person helped Moses speak to Pharaoh.
According to the book of Deuteronomy, we should love the Lord God with all our heart, and also teach this commandment to who?
our children
You shall not make for yourself one of these.
God wants us to be faithful in marriage, so thou shalt not commit this.
The 2nd plague involved the infestation of Egypt by these amphibians.
Moses had this many biological siblings.
2 - brother Aaron & sister Miriam
Moses died on this mountain.
Thou shalt not do this with the Lord's name.
take it in vain
Even though we want something that isn't ours, we definitely shalt not do this to make it ours.
The 8th plague involved this grasshopper-like bug eating all of the plants in Egypt.
Into what region did Moses send 12 spies?
God allowed Moses to do this before he died.
Look out onto the Promised Land.
Thou shall remember this day.
sabbath day (and keep it holy)
We shouldn't lie, or as the Bible puts it, we shouldn't do this against our neighbor.
bear false witness
The 6th plague involved these painful bumps on the skin of Egyptians and their animals.
This person was Moses's successor.
Moses did this with the blood of sacrifices after reading the Book of the Covenant.
Sprinkled it on the people
Though shall honor these 2 people.
Father and Mother
Sometimes we appreciate what others have, but we shouldn't do this when it comes to our neighbor's wife, or ox, or anything else that they have.
The tenth plague involved the death of the firstborn child, leading to this event and current Jewish holiday.
This was Miriam's punishment for speaking out against Moses.
The Israelites grumbled to Moses about this when they came to Marah.
no water to drink