What did the dough bake on
Their backs
When in the day did the yidden leave mitzrayim
middle of the day
Who else came out with the Yidden?
The Eirev Rav
What are two meanings for בן נכר
non-jew or yid that went off the derech
When would a yid be considered a man
20 years old
Who is described as being at least 20 Years old?
The "Gevarim"
What is the term used for how quickly hashem took the yidden out of mitzrayim
"blink of an eye"
When should a convert bring the korban pesach?
On 14 of Nissan
Who was born 30 years after the Bris Bein Habesarim?
Yitzchak Avinu
What is the machlokis of אז יאכל בו
the owner can't eat until servant has a bris or the servant can't eat until he has a bris
When does breaking a bone passel the Korban?
When it has a kezayis of flesh or marrow on it.
Who knew that the yidden would be taken out of golus on this night? And How?
Avraham Avinu, haShem told him
What four things happened on 15th of nissan
the malachim came to avraham and sara
yitzchak was born
the bris bein habesarim
yidden came out of mitzrayim
When may a Jewish boy who is over 8 days old not have a bris?
if his older brothers passed away from having a bris.
Who says that until the servant has a bris his owner cannot eat Korban Pesach?
Rabi Yehoshua