what is azul
azul is blue
What does dias de la semana mean
Dias de la semana means days of the week
what is circle
circle is circulo
what is El otono
otono is Fall
what is Doce
Doce is 12
What is rojo
rojo is red
What is domingo
Domingo is sunday
what is triangulo
triangulo is triangle
what is las Hojas
las Hojas is the leaves
what is veinte
veinte is 20
What is cafe
Cafe is brown
How many months in a year.
Doce meses del ano
what is cuadrado
cuadrado is square
what is El arbol
the tree
what is cien
cien is 100
What is naranja
Naranja is orange
What is agosto
Agosto is august
what is estrella
estrella is star
what is El viento
viento is the wind
what is ciento uno
ciento uno is 101
what is purple
purple is morado
what is marzo
marzo is march
what is ovalo
ovalo is oval
what is la calabaza
calabaza is pumpkin
what is sesenta
sesenta is 60