This was the main focus of Spartan life.
What type of government did Athens have?
Plato said that for a democracy to succeed, people had to be what?
Spartan boys began their military training at this age.
7 years old
This is money that the Athenian people would pay to their leaders every year.
Plato was from this Greek city.
A Spartan boy hid this under his shirt.
A fox.
Athenian boys learned how to do this in school.
Read, Write, Perform Mathematics
Plato did this as his job.
Men who did not pass Sparta's test were not allowed to do this.
Whenever citizens would vote, they would gather in one of these places.
A forum.
Plato started a school called this.
Spartan boys had to march without these to build strength.
Socks or Shoes.
Athenian girls learned how to do this from their mothers.
Sew, Raise a Garden, Take care of Children
What did Plato say would happen to people if they weren't educated.
They would be taken advantage of by tyrants.