number of offspring produced during a period of time
restricts the size of a population from reaching its full potential
limiting factor
density independent factors
non-living, physical and chemical elements which can influence wildlife populations
abiotic factors
factors which vary depending on the population numbers and influence the regulation of population size
density dependent factors
living or once-living organisms within a habitat which have an influence on wildlife populations
biotic factors
ability an organism has to survive in a particular environment; health of an animal
physical condition
relationship between predator and prey
animal hunting and killing other animals for food
animal who is being hunted or killed for food
parasite feeds off of a host organism
reaction of two or more animals seeking the same resource at the same time
individuals of one species living and interacting together as a group
wildlife populations
individual achieves preferential access to resources over other individuals
location or distribution of animals within a space
changes in a population's abundance and range over a period of time
population dynamics
population size or number or density of individuals in a given area
number of individual animals per unit area
measurement and study of population dynamics
population ecology
number of new individuals produced in the population over a period of time
birth rate
number of individuals entering one population from another over a period of time
immigration rate
number of organisms surviving long enough to be added to a population
number of individuals in a population which expire over a period of time; also known as mortality rate
death rate
number of individuals which migrate out of a population over a period of time
emigration rate